Agency life – 2nd quarter 2014

2 July 2014

Vaud Forum on housing and release of a guide for the State of Vaud – Accuray International settling in Western Switzerland – Product launch for Diageo – Closing the “annual reports season”

From April to June 2014, our agency has :

  • helped local authorities design and organise the first forum on housing on June 27, 2014. We also helped create a guide (in french only) to help cities built housings with and for the people, which was released in May.
  • assisted radiation oncology multinational company Accuray International in officially announcing their settling in the canton of Vaud to media and government representatives;
Relations médias Accuray
  • with Edelman Zurich, helped Diageo design and organise a number of events in Western Switzerland to launch new products and meet with media professionals;
  • successfully created, produced and delivered annual reports for several clients in the healthcare sector: Fédération des hôpitaux vaudois (FHV), Etablissements Hospitaliers du Nord Vaudois (eHnv) and the Association vaudoise d’établissements médico-sociaux (AVDEMS);
  • created the official leaflet explaining the government opinion on a a popular initiative aiming at further protecting the Lavaux région. 68.7% of the voters followed the government recommendation which was to choose a special bill over the popular initiative.
  • publicised the taking over of fashion company Jeans & Co by Geneva-based entrepreneur Elio Verzella;
  • set up a digital presence (website, Facebook page) for Lavaux Passion, a new event celebrating traditional food and wine in Unesco World Heritage Lavaux region happening in September, 2014;
  • went on designing  the « experts maison », a TV show about working in the construction industry. It was created by ftc communication for Fédération vaudoise des entrepreneurs and will be produced in partnership with local TV network La Télé.

During the same period, we also provided various communication services (consulting, project management, writing) for the following clients :

Accuray International – Association vaudoise du Diabète (AVD) et Programme cantonal Diabète (PcD) – Association vaudoise d’établissements médicaux-sociaux (AVDEMS)  – Commune de Crissier – Département des institutions et de la sécurité de l’Etat de Vaud (DIS) – Département du territoire et de l’environnement de l’Etat de Vaud (DTE) – Diageo Suisse – Etablissements hospitaliers du Nord vaudois (EHNV) – Fédération Suisse des avocats (FSA) – Fédération vaudoise des entrepreneurs (FVE) – Hôpital Riviera-Chablais (HRC) – Réseau de soins de la région lausannoise (ARCOS) – Siemens Suisse – Tiny Node – Switel –  Ville de Carouge.

We wish you a beautiful summer !
