Agency life – 1st quarter 2014

31 March 2014

Launch of the start-up HomeGourmet, of the brand new event « Lavaux Passion » and the TV show « Les Experts maison » – Institutional movie for Tinynode – Annual reports of the Centre patronal and the Vaud entrepreneurs federation

From January to March 2014, our agency has :

  • supported the launch of HomeGourmet, the first service that cooks and delivers fine bistronomy menus to your office and your door (full PR strategy, press conference as well as prospection strategy in order to support them acquire new clients);
  • developed Lavaux Passion,a brand new event aimed at promoting the vineyard and the vines of the Lavaux region. The pitch that ftc communication has won also includes a full communication campaign around the event.
  • supported the launch of the « experts maison », a new TV show about building trades designed by ftc communication and the Vaud entrepreneurs federation for La Télé;
  • managed to create and deliver on time the annual reports of the Centre Patronal and the Vaud entrepreneurs federation;
  • created and directed three institutional movies for Tinynode SA, a Lausanne-based start-up specialized in Wireless vehicle detection systems for outdoor parking;

During the same period, we also provided various communication services (consulting, project management, writing) for the following clients :

Département des institutions et de la sécurité de l’Etat de Vaud (DIS) – Département du territoire et de l’environnement (DTE) – Association vaudoise d’établissements médicaux-sociaux (AVDEMS) – Etablissements hospitaliers du Nord vaudois (EHNV) – Hôpital Riviera-Chablais (HRC) – Siemens Suisse – Diageo – Switel – Fédération suisse des Ostéopathes (FSO) – Mars Capital SA.

Finally, we are glad to announce that our two Senior Consultant Virginie Simon and Romain Pittet have received power of procuration.
