Agency life – 3rd quarter 2016

1 October 2016

New institutional communication strategy for Avantage in the French-speaking part of Switzerland : a Pro Senectute Vaud programme – Media relations for Agora, the upcoming Swiss cancer centre – Morges Basket’s new website – 400 square metres of Féchy grapevine on the Bundesplatz in Bern – A 80 km swim for diabetes research – Replacement within Pro Senectute Vaud

From July to September 2016, our agency has :

  • succesfully completed a communication audit and a review of Pro Senectute’s new institutional communication strategy for the Avantage programme, a web-based platform which goal is to help future pensioners better anticipate and prepare their retirement. Responsible for the content, the agency has also coordinated and supervised the new visual identity’s development, as well as the production of new booklets and the new website (in collaboration with Didwedo and WNG);
  • designed, developed and offered Morges-Basket’s new website;
  • designed and organised a promotional event for the Féchy appellation, during which 400 square metres of grapevines were planted on the Bundesplatz in Bern. The event’s purpose was to raise awareness of the Féchy vineyard’s soils map and of the significance of appellations among parliamentarians;
  • ensured the media coverage of Jaime Caballero’s crazy challenge for the Diabetes Research Foundation: a 80 km-swim from Villeneuve to Geneva in order to inform the public about diabetes as well as to promote sports;
  • assigned Héloïse Perrin, our project manager, to cover for Pro Senectute Vaud‘s communication manager’s absence on maternity leave. Héloïse Perrin manages the day-to-day business and the development of projects on a part-time basis. The agency has already carried out various similar experiences in the last few years for different types of clients. It is difficult indeed not to communicate for several months in the 21st century !

During the same period, we have also offered various communication services (consulting, project management, writing) for the following clients :

Autodesk Development Sàrl – Association vaudoise d’établissements médico-sociaux (AVDEMS) – Commissions professionnelles paritaires de l’industrie vaudoise de la construction – Compresso AG (Franz Carl Weber) – Diageo Suisse – Direction de l’énergie de l’Etat de Vaud – Fédération vaudoise des entrepreneurs (FVE) – Fondation des 4 Marronniers –  Fondation Eben-Hézer – Fondation pour la recherche sur le diabète – Haute Ecole de Santé Vaud – Maison Béthel – Minoteries – Pro Senectute Vaud – PHF Production Sàrl (Arvinis) – Service des communes et du logement de l’Etat de Vaud –  Siemens Suisse SA – Société vaudoise d’utilité publique – Wonderbox.
